Teaching La Raza, Strategies for California Community College Educators
Edward A. Beanes

La Familia Rodriguez/Beanes 2007


Hola, Soy Eduardo Beanes.  I was born in Los Angeles, my hometown.  I lived with my mother and 7 brothers and sisters in an environment filled with poverty and struggle. I found my way to higher education with the help of my brother and the many mentors who guided through a very challenging and difficult time.  I attended The University of Oregon, in Eugene, Oregon.  I dedicated my life to my family and my education. However, like many Chicano students, family responsibilities dictated that I had to leave my graduate studies….With the aid of a wonderful team from Humboldt State and the support of my colleagues at Napa Valley College, where I am currently a classified employee, I am putting my M.A.Project into this website with the hope that it will be a resource for community college instructors.   

In doing so, I hope to become a community college faculty member myself.  I have already been a faculty intern and have discovered what it means to role model for students; to have somebody who looks like them facing the classroom.  I am an example of everything I discuss here…I almost didn’t make it into academic life…thus I have a unique window into the challenges for students.  

This project will provide an effective tool for faculty, by suggesting strategies of retention and success for Mexican American students enrolled in community colleges in California.   

 “The belief that one’s own customs, language, religion, and physical characteristics are better or more ‘natural’ than those of other is termed ethnocentrism. Indeed the Chicano student has certainly been overshadowed by a difficulty in the notion of being a “stranger in our own land”. (Acuna, 1998)Identity of the Mexican American and the American have become for the Chicano, an issue of confusion.


Welcome, thank you for visiting, I have included a blog for educators for comments and ideas.  I want this site to support educators and assist our youth and non traditional populations, both male and female, to rise above the challenges of life, and believe in the importance of caring and respect for our Raza population both as professionals and as students.   
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